Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas and Christ

I got to be Santa the other day at my wifes daycare. I didn't want to but my father was working and the task fell to me. My wifes kids have a party each year and the parents come over with their kids, we eat pizza and hand out gifts to the kids.
Enter Santa, i walked in the door and one of the little ones Nathan was looking at me with eyes of wonderment and joy. You could see it in his eyes he was glad I (Santa) was there. He just stared at me never taking his eyes off of Santa. I walked in sat down and the children came to me one at a time. Each took his turn, each was caught up in the moment of Santa. In that moment at the front door with Nathan seeing how he saw me I no longer didn't want to be there. It was wonderful for him and in that moment I saw what that time meant for him and all my anxiety of being Santa infront of all these people went away, I was in the moment so to say and am glad I did this.
Think of this one day Jesus will come back, he will appear to us and we will be with Him. We will sit with him and tell him all our cares. He will wipe away our tears of pain and all will be made right. The world will be at peace. I can't wait to see Christ and be with Him as he sets me down and makes all things right. I will be so very nice to have all the heartache wiped away from a life that was affected by drugs and alcohol and a hard family life as a young boy. I grew up the victim of sin. My family drank alot did drugs and the domestic arguments from that left alot of deep scars. On that day when Christ returns it will be like Christmas for me. I will look up at Christ in amazement just like that little boy Nate and I can't wait till I see Christ, on that day it will truly be Christmas for me...
God bless all yall